Kuhlmeyers False Exoneration

When I sent out my plea to the assembly for an investigation into the matters involving James Trimm and his repeated slander and lies, the Kuhlmeyers contacted me and said that they would check into the matter. On 8/28/2000, they sent me a carbon copy of a communication that they sent to James, informing him that they had unsubscribed him from their forum, due to the charges I made against him, tha they were investigating.


In Sept., I had seen on the IsraeLight forum, that there were a few people that had stated  they were students at James Trimm's Beit Netzarim Yeshiva or interested in it. Since I had documents from the Texas Department of Higher Education, stating that James was not allowed by law, to issue any degrees, and if he did not remove that from his site, that he could risk being shut down, I made a post to the forum, with the moderators permission. I did not want to start a war there, but I did want to protect anyone from investing in what would be a fraudulent degree, and thereby losing any money invested. Right after I posted, I received an e-mail from the Kuhlmeyers.

 Forum Banning

From this, I had thought that IsraeLight forum was one of the Kuhlmeyers forums and that Rabbi Sivan was just the moderator. It was not until later that I realized that I was mistaken. At any rate, I wrote to the Kuhlmeyers explaining why I posted, that I had not changed my name, but that tahorah@netscape was the original name I got, when my post to the nazarene forum was not posted under my sons address. It was right on the main page of the forum, which they said they were investigating, that my new address for the forum was tahorah@netscape. As a result, every forum I subscribed to on egroups, would pop up in that address. I even explained this to Sivan before posting, so that no one would think that I was being deceptive or anything. I had not ever posted to the Kuhlmeyers Feast or Grafted In forums.

 Tahorah Explanation

 Kuhlmeyer Forum Reply

After this, on 9-18, James Trimm posted on IsraeLight, which I still thought was one of the Kuhlmeyers, once again calling me an anti-semite and lying, stating that I made comments about a book that I did not. I wrote to the Kuhlmeyers and asked why he was alloed to post and yet I was banned.

 Anti-semite Post

In response, the Kuhlmeyers send me a notice stating that they have decided to reinstate both parties and list the rules to the Feast and Grafted In forums. It was at this point that I realized that IsraeLight was not theirs and I had not been banned from it.

On the 23rd of Sept., the Kuhlmeyers send out the result of their investigation. They carbon copied it to all the SANJ Beit Din members, as well as Rabbi Sivan, of the IsraeLight forum. In it,  they determined that  I was guilty of numerous charges, yet the charges laid against me were based on misquotes that they said they got from my site. I know what I wrote and I know my site. I can tell wwhere everything is and what was written. I knew that they had either grossly erred or intentionally lied, so I wrote to them, giving them the benefit, to answer some questions and hopefully get this cleared up.

 Kuhlmeyer's False Investigation

 My Questions to the Kuhlmeyers

The Kuhlmeyers were not happy with my questions, which I dont doubt. They made an "investigation" and published their "findings", but when questioned about their quotes that they are basing all this on, they balk.

 Kuhlmeyers Questions Reply

So instead of answering any of my questions, they misquote Thorah and tell me that they will not argue or debate the issue.

I did not know at the time that James and or others, had sent the Kuhlmeyers false exoneration around. As a result, a man named Steve wrote to them about their charges. I did not know he had done this until the Kuhlmeyers respond to him and forward it to me.

 Forward From Steven

I had typed up the beginning of my reply to the Kuhlmeyers, when I got the forward, so I included Schmuel in that mailing.

 Point by Point Rebuttal

The Kuhlmeyers replied to Steven and again carboned me with their reply.

 Kuhlmeyers Reply To Steven

At this point, James had taken what the Kuhlmeyrs wrote and done exactly what I foresaw he would do - he sent it out to all his lists as some kind of exoneration of all his lies, slander and deceptions. Someone forwarded it to me and I emailed the Kuhlmeyers.

 False Witness

The Kuhlmeyers, still refusing to take responsibility for their lies, have the audacity to say that they have no animosity toward me. That is mighty generous of them, considering that I did not lie and slander them.

 No Animosity

That was the last communication I had with the Kuhlmeyers. I was about to put all this up on the website and point by point refute their lies and misquotes, when someone spoke to me on the phone and told me that the Kuhlmeyers had done this to others as well, but that they ignored it since the Kuhlmeyers were new to the faith. With that and other pressing matters, I let that one slide, until now. It seems that James Trimm has been posting at forums again, that I am an anti-semite, sending correspondence to assembly leaders stating the same and using the Kuhlmeyers False Exonertion as his backing. Therefore, I am dealing with this matter now, which probably should have been dealt with in the fall, when it occurred. The following are the other points, in rebuttal to their list of lies and slander.