Misplaced Support By Mr. Koniuchowsky
At no time have I spoken or written about Mr. Koniuchowsky, of Your Arms To Israel, yet on 8/10/2003, Koniuchowsky made a serious error, he made a totally uncalled for reply to my last update, joining the ranks of James Trimm in lying and attacking.
I posted a reply to the Messianic_Apologetic forum, pointing out that Mr. Koniuchowsky was the first organization, that I recall, to promote and sell the HRV on his site.
After I posted, myself and others were searching for cached pages proving Mr. Koniuchowsky's association with the HRV. A friend found it and sent it. It is a good thing that it was found, because Mr. Koniuchowsky proceeded to deny ever endorsing the HRV, or any other material by Trimm, yet the following proves that Koniuchowsky and Trimm speak the same language, which is not Hebrew or Aramaic, but lying. If these are not endorsements, I dont know what is.
Koniuchowshky's Email - Internet Jezebel
Check the footnotes. Koniuchowsky quotes the HRV and Trimm several times, in the following article.
Koniuchowsky Hosting Trimm Articles At YATI