Historical Baggage: The Book, Healing History
1. A Picture Is Worth More Than A Thousand Indo-European Words
Ideographs, Symbols and the Alphabet – This chapter addresses
the many pictographs and ideographs that were part of the foundational matrilineal
cultures and writing systems, before the oppressive spread of patriarchal
Indo-Europeans. The Indo-Europeans took the writing systems of the conquered
and applied them to their Indo-European phonetics, creating syllabic and alphabetic
writing systems, removing the matrilineal association of the images. I show
that the matrilineal culture does have a written history and what the origins
and meanings of these images are, a number of which are in our own English
2. Warmongering PIEs
Patriarchs, Warriors, Kings and Their Priests – This chapter
is necessary to realize just what patriarchal Indo-Europeanism is. Kind of
like the red pill, blue pill moment in the Matrix. Once you see the pattern,
you will not be able to unsee their culture and how it surrounds us and affects
us, even today. I show their caste systems, their misogyny (ex. how the Indo-Europeans
tried to take over birthing and nursing from the women), their intolerant
religious foundation, which is the vehicle for their fear and hatemongering
3. Barefoot and Pregnant
The Earth, Creatresses and Their Creations – Chapter 3 covers
the ancient, almost universal association of a creatress with the earth and
all life, much like the water of creation and the amniotic birthing fluids
of mothers. Many of the earth mothers are covered, including the common spider
mother motif, from across the world. This chapter also shows the aspects of
the humans beings created (including the various transgenders) from the matrilineal
perspective and the later, revisionist history of the patriarchal view of
how they were deformed or diseased.
4. Well Behaved Women Rarely Make
Women, Mothers and Goddesses – Women have a rich history which
has been ignored or rewritten by patriarchal Indo-Europeanism. This chapter
reveals the struggle of these women, to remain egalitarian women, even after
their cultures were swallowed up by the invading Indo-Europeans and the ensuing
religious vilification and marginalized goddess creation by the patriarchal
religious cultures.
5. We Are Not Talking Nuns and Convents
Mothers, Daughters and Sisters – This chapter is rich with
examples of the strong bond between women and families, in various capacities,
shown in the artwork and jewelry that has survived time. Relationships of
women and communal dancing, mothers and daughters, the strong relationship
of sisters, even if they weren't sisters by blood, the co-ruling women of
the communities, shown by the double headed female figures and the sexual
love of one woman for another. The patriarchal culture not only created an
unnatural patrilineal society, to usurp the mothers association with her offspring;
but they removed the daughters from the mother's home, a common patriarchal
Indo-European military strategy to dislocate and isolate the enemy from their
home turf and support system.
6. “Have You Ever Been With
A Warrior Woman?”
Protectors, Maidens Warriors and Amazons – The natural protective
aspect of women has been squelched and even outlawed by patriarchal Indo-European
laws, that forbid women the ability to defend or bear arms. This chapter covers
the protective and warring characteristics of the ancient women and those
that refused to submit to patriarchal Indo-Europeanism, striking fear into
their misogynistic hearts in more ways than one.
7. Such Watery Tarts
Nymphs, Sirens and Whores – The life blood of any family or
village is water. Without it you cannot survive. Whether springs, rivers,
lakes or oceans, most ancient matrilineal cultures were founded on water and
their symbols and lore bear this out. These self sufficient aquatic oriented
cultures were a threat to the patriarchal Indo-Europeanism that sought to
subjugate women and remove their connection to the water. These women were
typically vilified as seducing water nymphs, sirens and mermaids, which Europe
was still trying to exterminate in the Middle Ages. The aquatic connection
is examined and compared with the surviving Ama divers of Japan and the Haeyno
divers of Korea, both matrilineal cultures, where the women held positions
of prestige in their communities, as well as being the bread winners for their
8. Mother Necessity Gives Birth
Healers, Inventors and Artisans – They say that necessity is
the mother of invention. This chapter delves into the ancient accounts of
the women that were the inventors of many of the arts and healing which became
the foundations of culture and civilization we know today. A perfect example
are the Mes, the Tablets of Civilization, in the ancient Sumerian culture,
that were worn around the neck of the great mother Nammu. She was murdered,
and later depicted as a seven headed dragon, by the patriarchal Indo-European
culture, with their hero king taking the Mes for himself. Later, Inanna (Nammus
granddaughter), reclaims her matrilineal property for the communal benefit
of her people.
9. “She Turned Me Into a Newt”
Hags, Crones and Witches – Women are viewed in three stages,
the maiden, the mother and the wise sage, often a midwife. In the misogynistic
patriarchal view, women are not only property, but we are viewed like dairy
products with a “use by” date stamped on us and once we enter
menopause, we are “expired”. At that point, the once revered wise
women of the matrilineal cultures, are viewed as the fearful hags, witches
and crones of the folk tales, to scare children with. For example Baba (old
woman), the wise woman of the northern forests, a healer and midwife, becomes
Baba Yaga, the old witch woman to the Slavic patriarchal Indo-Europeans. Her
mortar and pestle of her healing arts becomes the proverbial broom that she
flies around on. In all patriarchal Indo-European cultures, the feared threesome
(generally) of these hags, witches, and crones, are a poor reflection of the
awesome, ancient matrilineal women, who were once revered and a source of
wisdom and healing in their communities, not hunted and killed, which the
patriarchy has done for thousands of years.
10. Coolest F- Word Ever
Goddess Movement, Neo-Paganism and Feminists – While the other
chapters have the ancient and the modern applications paired, this chapter
focuses on the modern waves of Feminism, Neo-Paganism and the Goddess Movements,
which have all resulted as a response to the misogynistic patriarchal Indo-European
cultures thousands of years war against women, men and the homosexuals/transgenders.
This chapter discusses egalitarianism in the modern context and that it is
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