This is a scroll that contains the Thehilliym (Tehillin / Psalms), found at the caves in Qumran, in 1956. It dates between 30-50 CE. Below is an enlargement of another scroll so that you may better see the paleo-Hebrew writing for the name dedi , while the remaining text is in the more modern Squared Aramaic. While the text may change from language to language, even over time, the scribes held the name YHWH in honor and continued to write it in the Paleo-Hebrew. For an example, see the Greek Minor Prophets fragment found at Qumran, which was written in Greek, yet the name YHWH written in the Paleo-Hebrew. Even at this late date, the practice of writing YHWH in Paleo-Hebrew was still practiced.





The Paleo-Hebrew writing of YHWH in both of these scrolls is of a varied writing style, both in territory and time, compared to known archaeological inscriptions. Please see the Ancient Alefbeth chart. The "yod" is closer the known style of the Moabite 9th century BCE; the "he" is similar to the known Phoenician of 1000 BCE; and the "waw" is closer to that of the Lachish style, dating around the 6th century BCE. Scribal schools in differing territories, adopted their own styles of writing.



For further biblical and historical information on the name YHWH, please see the studies:

The Name YHWH Part 1

The Name YHWH Part 3




Kathryn QannaYahu