I had originally taken B'sorot Matti, and with a yellow highlighter, highlighted all that was from the NKJV. When I got Schonfields, I then looked at the gaps and they were Schonfields. So the proportion looked about 60% yellow, to the remaining 40% Schonfield. But when I started typing this up, by taking chapters 1-4 of the NKJV, then underlining all that was Schonfields, I quickly saw, what I had origninally missed, this is an almost entire plagarism of Hugh Schonfields. It was very easy to take the NKJV as the base and simply switch a few word orders or change a little of the Old English. There are a few sentences or phrases that Schonfield used, that were not in the NKJV base text. Those I simply typed in. Then I went through and changed all the name spellings, that were Sterns Ashkenaz Hebrew, or a few of his phraes or words, and I I highlighted them blue. Anything that James wrote, that was not NKJV, Schonfiled or Sterns was put in red, such as some names, which do not occur in the Greek based text that Stern used, or the use of HaShem, which Stern did not use, and the Old English changes, and a few of his semitic changes.
Some of the sentences will have a combination of the four. For example 1:21 And behold, she will bring forth a son, and you will call his name Yeshua [Salvation], for he will save his people from all their sins." All of the sentence, except for the word [Salvation], is from Schonfield. The protions that are bold, are those that are unchanged in the NKJV, except for the Old English and name changes, but the word order in the sentence is the same. For example, this verse in the NKJV would have had Jesus, where James placed the Sterns spelling of Yeshua. James took two Old English words, shall or shalt and thou, and changed them to modern English, will and you. There are a couple of phrases that are just like those in George Howards Matthew. Since they were so few, there was no need to assign them a color or character style. I simply put in parenthesis, that it was Howards.
The original Schonfields read, "And, behold, she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from all their sins.
The original NKJV read, "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins."
An interesting thing that James did, is what Schonfield did, not capitalize any of the pronouns attributed to the Son. So where the NKJV does capitalize the pronouns, they are written in the lower case, just as Schonfield wrote them.
The following chapters, after 4, have much more of the NKJV base text, such as chapters 5 and 8, which are almost entirely yellow (what would be bold here). I only did up to chapter 10, in the book. I see no reason to do the further chapters, the evidence is quite clear, that James plagarized this book.
Schonfields is underlined
NKJV is bold
Sterns is blue
James is red
1:1 These are the generations
of Yeshua, the son of David,
the son of Avraham.
2 Avraham begat Yitzchak,
Yitzchak begat Ya’akov,
Ya’akov begat Y’hudah
and his brothers.
3 Y’hudah begat Peretz
and Zerach by Tamar,
Peretz begat Chetzron,
Chetzron begat Ram,
4 And Ram begat Amminadav, Amminadav
begat Nachshon, Nachshon
begat Salmon,
5 Salmon begat Bo’az by Rahav,
Bo’az begat Oved by
Rut, And Oved begat
6 Yishai begat David the king. David begat Shlomo
by the wife of Uriyah,
7 And Shlomo begat Rechav’am,
Rechav’am begat Aviyah,
And Aviyah begat Asa,
8 And Asa begat Y’hoshafat, Y’hoshafat
begat Y’horam, Y’horam
begat Uziyahu,
9 Uziyahu begat Yotam,
Yotam begat Achaz,
Achaz begat Chizkiyahu,
10 Chizkiyahu begat M’nasheh,
M’nasheh begat Ammon, Ammon begat Yoshiyahu,
11 Yoshiyahu begat Y’khanyah
and his brothers in the Babylonian exile.
12 Y’khanyah begat Sh’altiel,
Sh’altiel begat Z’rubavel,
13 Z’rubavel begat Av’ichud,
Av’ichud begat Av’ner,
Avner begat Elyakim,
Elyakim begat Azur,
14 Azur begat Tzadok,
Tzadok begat Ammon, Ammon begat El’ichud,
15 El’ichud begat El’azar,
El’azar begat Mattan,
Mattan begat Ya’akov,
16 Ya’akov begat Yosef,
the husband of Miriam, of whom was born Yeshua,
who is called Messiah.
17 So all the generations from Avraham
to David are fourteen generations, (and from David
to the Babylonian exile are fourteen generations,also
George Howards Matthew) and from the Babylonian
exile to the Messiah are fourteen generations.
18 Now the birth of Yeshua the Messiah was
this way: After His mother Miriam was betrothed
to Yosef, before he came unto her, (she
was found pregnant by
the Ruach HaKodesh.George Howards Matthew)
19 Now Yosef her husband was a just man,
and was not willing to deliver her up to death, nor to disclose her; only it
was in his heart to send her away secretly.
20 But while he thought on this, an angel
appeared to him
in a dream, saying, "Yosef, you
son of David, fear not to take Miriam your wife, because that which will
be born of her is of the Ruach HaKodesh, for by
the Ruach HaKodesh she is with child.
21 And behold, she will bring forth
a son, and you will
call his name Yeshua [Salvation],
for he will save his people from all their
22 And all this was to fulfil what was spoken of HaShem
by the prophet
Yesha’yahu saying,
23 "Behold, the virgin will conceive, and
bear a son, and will call his name Immanu’el, [God with us]."
24 Then Yosef, awoke from his sleep, and
did as the angel of HaShem commanded him, and took
her as his wife:
25 but he had no intercourse with her until
she had brought forth her son, the firstborn: and he called his name Yeshua.
2:1 Now after Yeshua
was born in Beit Lechem, a city of Y’hudah,
behold in the days of Herod the king, there came magicians from the east
to Yerushalayim,
2 saying, "Where is he that is born king of the Jews? for
we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship
3 And when Herod heard, he was filled with wrath, both he, and all
Yerushalayim with him.
4 And when he had gathered all the chief cohanim
and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them in what place
the Messiah should be born.
5 And they said to him, "In Beit
Lechem, Y’hudah; for thus it is spoken
by the mouth of the prophet.
6 'But you
Beit Lechem, Ef’ratah, which are little to
be among the tribes of Y’hudah, from you will one come forth to me that is to
be ruler in Israel.' "
7 Then Herod called the magicians privately,
and questioned them exactly as to the time of the star, which had appeared to
8 And he sent them to Beit Lechem,
and said, "Go and search diligently for the boy; and when you
have found him, tell me, in order that I may come and
worship him also."
9 And when they heard the king, they went their way; and behold,
the star which they saw in the east, went before their eyes until
it came and stood still above, over against where the boy was.
10 And when they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly
great joy.
11 And when they had come into the
house, they found the boy, and his mother, Miriam, with him, and
they fell on the ground and worshiped him: and when they had opened their
stores, they presented to him gifts; gold, and
frankincense and myrrh.
12 And it came to
pass, when they were fast asleep, behold, the angel appeared to
them saying, “Beware of returning to Yerushalayim
to Herod,” so they went and returned to their own land
by another way.
13 And after they had departed, behold,
the angel of HaShem appeared to Yosef
in a dream, saying, "Arise, take the boy and his mother,
and flee you away into Egypt and reside
there; and there you will stay until I return to
you; for Herod is seeking to put the boy to death."
14 And he arose, and did as the angel had said to
him, and took up the boy and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt:
15 and was there until the death of Herod: to fulfil what was
spoken of the Lord by the prophet, he who said, "Out of Egypt I have
called my son."
16 Then Herod, seeing that he was deceived by the magicians,was
exceedingly furious, and sent forth, andput to death all the
boys that were in Beit Lechem, and in all the
border thereof, from two years
old and under, as he had heard the set time from the magicians.
17 Then was established that which was spoken by Yirmeyahu
the prophet (upon whom be peace), who said,
18 "A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping,
Rachel weeping for her children, she refuses to be comforted for
her children, because they are no more."
19 But after Herod was dead, behold, the angel of
HaShem appeared in a dream to Yosef
in Egypt,
20 saying, "Arise, take up the boy and his mother and go
into the Eretz-Israel: for they are
dead which sought the child's life."
21 Then he arose, and took the child and his mother,
and came into Eretz-Israel.
22 But when he heard that Archelaus reigned in Y'hudah
in place of Herod his father, he was afraid to
go there: and being warned in
sleep, he went to the land of Galil:
23 and came and dwelt in the city of Natzeret:
to fulfil what was spoken by the mouth of the prophet, for he will be called
[from] Natzeret [Branch].
3:1 In those days Yochanan
the Immerser was called; and
he cried in the wilderness of Y'hudah saying,
2 "Repent you of your lives, for the kingdom of heaven is
(word nigh missing from that of Schonfields) at hand."
3 And this is he of whom Yesha'yahu spoke,
saying, "The voice crying
in the wilderness. 'Prepare you the
way of HaShem, make straight in the desert,
a path for our God.' "
4 And the clothing of Yochanan
was of camel's hair, and a leather belt
about his waist; and his food
the locust and wild honey.
5 Then they went out to him from Yerushalayim,
and from Y'hudah, and from all the region
of the Yarden.
6 and were immersed of him in
the Yarden, confessing their sins.
7 And when he saw many of the P'rushim
and Tz'dukim,which
came to his immersion, he said to them,
"Generation of vipers,who has informed
you to flee from the wrath to come?
8 Bring forth therefore the fruit in keeping with repentance:
9 and say not among yourselves, 'Because Avraham
is our father...' for I say to you,that
God has
the power to raise
up the children of Avraham from these stones."
10 And already the axe is laid to the root of the trees,
and every tree which yields not good fruit will
be cut down, and cast into the fire.
11 I am only immersing you in water for
repentance, but he that comes after me is
mightier than I,
whose sandals I am not fit to carry,and he will
immerse you with the
fire of the Ruach HaKodesh,
12 whose winnowing fork is in
his hand, that he may clean his [threshing]
floor, and gather
his wheat into the granary, but he will burn up the chaff
with unquenchable fire."
13 Then came Yeshua from Galil
by the Yarden toYochanan
, that he may be immersed of him.
14 But Yochanan spoke
to him, saying, "I have need to be immersed
of you, and you come
to me?"
15 Then Yeshua answered and said
to him, "Permit it now: for
in this it is an obligation for us to
fulfil all
righteousness." He gave him leave, and immersed him.
16 Now after Yeshua was immersed
and gone up out of the water, behold, the heavens
were opened to him, and, behold, the Spirit of God descending
from the heavens as the likeness of a dove, and coming upon him,
17 and behold out of the heavens a [bat] kol,
saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well
4:1 Then Yeshua was led up by
the Spirit into the wilderness of Y'hudah
in order that he might be tempted by Satan.
2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards
he was Hungary ( James' spelling
of hungry).
3 And when the tempter came, he saidto
him, "If you are the Son of
God, command that these stones
be made bread."
4 But Yeshua answered and said,
"It is written that 'Not by bread alone will
man live, but by everything that proceeds
from the mouth ofHaShem will
man live.' "
5 Then Satan took him up into
the holy city, and set him on a turret
of the Temple,
6 and said to
him, "If you are the Son of God,
precipitate yourself down, for
surely it is written, 'For he willgive
his angels charge concerning you, to
keep you in all your
ways, upon the palms of their hands they willbear
you up, lest you dash
your foot against a stone.' "
7 But Yeshua answered him
and said, "It is also written, 'You
shall not tempt HaShem your
God.' "
8 And again Satan took him up
into an exceedingly high mountain, and showed
him all the kingdoms of
the world, and their glory;
9 and said to
him, "All these will I give you,
if you will fall down and worship
10 Then said Yeshua to
him, "Get yourself gone, Satan,
for it is written, 'HaShem your
God you will worship, and him alone
you shall serve.' "
11 Then Satan left him, and behold, angels drew nearand
attended him.
12 Now after Yeshua had
heard that Yochanan was taken prisoner,
he went into Galil.
13 and leaving Natzeret, heleft
and dwelt in K'far Nachum (which is
a city by the sea, on the border ofZ'vulun
and Naftali.)
14 to establish what was spoken by the mouth of Yesha'yahu
the prophet, who said,
15 "Land of Z'vulun, and land
of Naftali, the way of the sea, beyond
Yarden, Galil of the
16 the people that walked in darkness have seen a great light;
the inhabitants of the land of the shadow of death, a light has
shined upon them."
17 And then began Yeshua to cry,
saying, "Turn you, turn you,
in repentance: for the kingdom of heaven is near."
18 And when Yeshua was walking
by the sea of Galil, he saw two brothers,
Shim'on who was called Kefa,
and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were
19 And he said to them,"Follow
me, and I will make you fishers of men."
20 And they immediately left the nets, and followed him.
21 And when he departed from there,
he saw two other brothers, Ya'akov
Ben Zavdai, and Yochanan his brother, in
a boat with Zavdai their father, mending their
nets; and he called them.
22 And they immediately left the boat
and their father, and followed him.
23 And Yeshua went about all Galil,
teaching in their synagogues, and announcing the kingdom,
and healing all manner of sickness and pain among the people.
24 And the report of him went out to
all the people, and they brought to
him all that had any physical illness,
or that had fallen into various
ailments, and diseases, andthose
that were possessed by demons,both epileptics and
paralytics;and he healed them.
25 And there followed him great crowds from Galil,
and from the ten towns, and from Yerushalayim,
and from Y'hudah, and from beyond