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From: James Trimm (James.Trimm@p0.f18.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG)
Subject: sealed book
View: Complete Thread (6 articles)
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Newsgroups: alt.messianic
Date: 1993-05-09 01:35:55 PST
     Romans 11 and Isaiah 29 both speak of the apostasy of Israel
(Rom. 11:8 = Is. 29:10).  According to Rom. 11:12, 15, 23-26 & Is.
29:17-24 this apostasy would one day end and Israel would be
restored.  According to Isaiah this will happen when one generation
of Jews speaks to another generation of Jews from "out of the dust"
(Is. 29:4) through a sealed book (Is. 29:11-12, 18).
     A sealed book is a book which is not revealed until the L-rd's
timing (see Dan. 12:4,9; Rev. 22:10) This sealed book is refered to
several times in the Scriptures (Is. 29; Rev. 5,6 & 10; Ezkl 2:7-3:6;
Zech. 5:1-4; Ps. 40:7 = Heb 10:7; Is 8:16-17) and is easily
recognized, since it is written on both sides (Rev. 5:1; Ezkl 2:10;
Zech. 5:1-4; see also Heb. 4:12-13) and often consumed (Rev. 10; Ezkl
2:7-3:6; see also Jer. 15:16; Ps 19:10; 119:103).
     In 1Cor. Paul quotes Is. 29 (1Cor 1:19 = Is. 29:14) and
describes the contents of the sealed book as "the message of the
cross" (1Cor 1:18).  Elsewhere we learn that the sealed book speaks
of Messiah (Ps. 40:7 = Heb. 10:7).  We also know that the sealed book
is in the language of Israel [Hebrew/Aramaic] (Ezkl 3:1-6) thus
Isaiah tells us that it may not be read by the "literate" [those who
can read Hebrew] because it is sealed, and cannot be read by the
"illiterate" [those who can't read Hebrew] because they are
"illiterate" [in Hebrew]. (Is. 29:11-12)
     This book would remain sealed throughout Israel's apostasy (Is
8:16-17) But Messiah in Heaven would eventually unseal it (Rev. 5 &
6) in the last days (Dan 12:4,9).  Israel will read this book and her
eyes will be opened (Is. 29:18) and she will be grafted back in to
her own olive tree (Rom. 11:23-26), this will also be a great
blessing for those Gentile believers who are truely fed by the root
[Israel] (Rom. 11:12, 15-16).
      Since all of this must take place before the coming of the L-rd
(Is. 8:16-17) and since we are commanded to be "looking for and
*hastening* the coming of the day of G-d" (2Pt. 3:12) we are
obligated to help bring the Hebrew/Aramaic Scriptures which speak of
Messiah (Ps 40:7 = Heb 10:7) and contain "the message of the cross"
(1Cor 1:18-19 where 1Cor 1:19 = Is. 29:14) to Israel.
work doing just that, researching, translating and publishing, in
interlinier form, the Hebrew/Aramaic NT taken from the various
Hebrew/Aramaic NT manuscripts.  To contact us just write:
     P.O. BOX 471
     HURST, TX 76053
                        James Trimm

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