Yochanan Mascaro Witness


Witness For Rav Moshe

Yochanan Mascaro wrote, "This action on my part has been very hurtful to me spiritually and emotionally since, having known Rabbi Moshe personally for some 3-4 years now and having served under him in various roles in the past including as an Elder, I know him to be of utmost integrity and character and that he says what he means and means what he says." He testifies that Moshe is Moshe, just as the birth certificate states, but does not mention that the date on the certificate is 1995. When a person gets a legal name change, they can get a birth certificate issued with the name change. The date issued will reflect that.

Mascaro testifies, "While it is true, by Rabbi Moshe's own public admissions, that he used the name "Marshall" many years ago he did so a) mostly before entering into ministry and b) for certain business purposes, such as pressures placed against him to do so by his own employer, who thought it not a suitable name for business.  Tragically we see even the Anti-Semiticism inherent in this request by his employer perhaps." In Koniuchowsky's Declaration of Name Statement, he says, "4. I have used the name of Marshall in previous work in the commercial arena after college. I
also used the same name Marshall as a Baptist Pastor and was known as 'Pastor Marshall.' I took that name because Jewish believers in Yeshua HaMashiach (a.k.a. Jesus Christ) were looked down upon. I no longer use the name Marshall." And in his The Truth About All Israel, page 7 (screen capture), a refuting of the Ephraimite Error paper published by MJAA, he states, "Maushe is the name of birth. (Moshe is the correct Hebrew pronunciation). This can be verified by the Woottens, and by other friends who have seen a copy of his birth certificate. 'Marshall', was a name given to him by his first employer after graduation from college. The employer felt Moshe was too Jewish, and not good for business. Koniuchowsky now has restored his name as given to him by Almighty YHVH."

This is totally based on Moshe Koniuchowsky's word alone. There is no statement from the "employer" that he asked Koniuchowsky to do this. What Jew today, would succomb to such anti-Semitism? The Simon Wisenthal Center, as well as the Anti-Defamation League and the American Civil Liberties Union would have been all over the "employer" had it been mentioned. Now, according to the bio at YATI [ Meet the Rabbi ], which is approved by Koniuchowsky himself, it is written, "In early 1993, Moshe and Rivka authored a book entitled 'The Great Commission Crossroads Of The Old And New Covenants', with a foreword written by Sid Roth. The book was self published" This book is one listed below as being authored by Marshall and Roberta Koniuchowsky and published by Messiah Is God Ministries ["In 1984 Moshe founded 'Messiah Is God' Ministries"], which was started by Koniuchowsky. So if Koniuchowsky is the publisher/employer in this case, does that make him the anti-Semite who pressured himself into using Marshall too?

Mascaro also testifies, "HEREBY ATTEST TO THE FACT THAT the name appearing on Rabbi Moshe Joseph Koniuchowsky on his Florida Driver License is "M J Konichowsky" clearly intending to represent that name MOSHE as witnessed by me above." Again, he just takes Koniuchowsky's word for the fact that the MJ is for Moshe and not Marshall. That is not proof. But, I have legal document proof that his drivers license was used to verify who he was when he signed Marshall Koniuchowsky on his mortgage in 1995 in Miami-Dade county. At the bottom you will see that the notary uses the drivers license to verify.


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I sent an email to Mascaro on 6-20-04 asking, "Shalom Yochanan, I read your testimony of Moshe's name on his website. I have a few questions, if you dont mind, for the sake of truth, which is why you said you testified. When you were sent, or saw the scanned image of the birth certificate, did you notice that the date issued was 1995? If so, did you question him as to why the date issued was 1995 and not the original birth certificate? Are you aware that when a person gets a legal name change, they can request new birth certificate with the changed name? The issuing date would be that of the new certificate. You also wrote, "While it is true, by Rabbi Moshe's own public admissions, that he used the name "Marshall" many years ago he did so a) mostly before entering into ministry and b) for certain business purposes, such as pressures placed against him to do so by his own employer, who thought it not a suitable name for business. Tragically we see even the Anti-Semiticism inherent in this request by his employer perhaps." What does this mean, "a) mostly before entering into ministry"? Which ministry are you referring to? Who is the employer and did you contact them to verify Moshe's statement, as truth would require? Shalom, Kathryn" I have yet to receive a reply from Mascaro.

In light of all my other evidence, of his and others use of Marshall, including legal documents, it is obvious that Koniuchowsky's statement to Mascaro is bogus and Mascaro just took him at his word instead of really confirming such matters for truth's sake. The evidence not only proves Koniuchowsky to be a liar, but Mascaro to not be thorough before he issued such a weighty statement, making his witness worthless.